Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Times They Are A Changing

Title with apologies to Bob Dylan!  (My slightly foggy mind is still catching up on readings for 4 papers, hence no blogging for the past week!  Terrible reflection.  Must improve as I now have no excuse to be a lazy blogger!)

This is the first year of my Master of Teaching degree and it has provided me with some exciting learning to date.  I am now a full-time student after 12 years of full-time and full-on (!) teaching and learning.  I'm enjoying the time to step back and read some interesting and thought-provoking research, conduct my own research and learn a great deal from others.

In EDUX423 Technology-enhanced Learning, we have been exploring a range of different learning formats that cover personalised, collaborative, lifelong learning and communities of learning.

One group has set up a blog - The Blog Team:

and some have set up a wiki:

Alongside of these ways of showing lifelong learning that is both personalised and collaborative, we have all communicated through our online learning environment, Moodle.

I have worked with a team to complete an assignment; a team whom I have not met face-to-face, but together we have collaborated to put together our blog and run our online discussion.  I have learned a great deal, been challenged in my thinking and contributed to the discussions.  Who would have thought this environment possible 15 years ago, when I went through the College of Education?


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