Friday, September 12, 2014


Day 10 already!  I'm a little behind as yesterday I went with my partner to Government House where his father received his Queen's Service Medal (QSM) for his amazing commitment to the New Zealand Fire Service over the years.  It was an incredibly special day and we all got to meet the Governor General who is the Queen's Representative in New Zealand.

So, onto the post...

5 Random Facts About Me

  • I can still do the splits - even at my age...
  • I've been told my impersonation of Frank Spencer is pretty top notch - check out the link.  (Completely mad British comedy character from the 70s).
  • I've flown a glider.
  • My Year 8 students dyed my hair bright red - from blonde - a few years ago while on school camp.
  • I was originally going to become a doctor.

4 Things From My Bucket List

  • Travel to as many places around the world as I can
  • Run a marathon (hopefully completing my first official half in November)
  • Complete my Masters (2014) 
  • Begin my Doctoral Studies - hopefully 2015

3 Things I Hope For As An Educator This Year

  • Returning to education in an 'official' position by the end of the year.  Currently I'm completing my Masters and also working for TeachThought, etc.
  • That we begin to understand and see the value our teachers have for our students.  The students and parents often see and understand this, but we need the wider community and the 'powers that be' to also acknowledge this.
  • That we can grow our TeachThought online community into something very special and form a community and supports, grows and encourages each and every member.

2 Things That  Made Me Laugh Or Cry As An Educator

  • There are too many to name in this category.  Every day there is something special.  On memory that stands out though, is a very special young man I taught who went away to have surgery when he was about 7 years old.  While he was being operated on he had quite a major stroke.  His recovery was expected to take many months but, with his determination and also his wonderful mother's determination, he was up and walking soon after.  The day he returned to school, still in his wheelchair, but got up and walked towards me will be a day I will never forget.  He remains one of my greatest inspirations to this day.

1 Thing I Wish More People Knew About Me
That I am now completely deaf in my left ear and I'm not being snooty or ignoring you - I just can't hear you so you need to either be on my right side or tap me on the arm, pull my hair or something to get my attention.  :-)


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