Friday, April 30, 2010

What a Week!

Have been flat out exploring setting up e-portfolios which is really exciting. Need to set up the children's blogs this week. They are so motivated and excited. They can't wait to begin them and add to them. It's so exciting to see children who don't really enjoy writing, passionate about being able to email their epals, add to their blogs and share their ideas with others around the world. Now, if we could only just add a few more hours to the day. Keep smiling. :-)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Kath Murdoch

What a fantastic day of learning from an inspirational person!
She certainly has a great way of encouraging self-reflection. Just imagine where we can go as learners with our children.
I want to get the thoughts and reactions of my class to the video of the 12 year old speaking about children. I've added the link to the class blog so that they can log their thinking.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Promethean Learning Level 1 Course

Hi everyone. I've enrolled in this course, (have actually been enrolled for a while but have not got my act together to start it yet!!). It's free to sign up to and covers all the basics of using the Activboard. You can complete it at your leisure - just as well - and I wondered if anyone else was interested in registering and completing it. It goes right up to a Level 3 course - free as well.
Thought it might be something good to explore with a group. Could be an hour after school each week? A couple of hours a fortnight? Most of the initial activities they take you through are quite short and easy to apply. Anyone interested?


Have spent some time exploring the whole of digistore. Have used it a lot for maths but have not put a lot of time into exploring everything else that's on it. Huge resource for English. Very interactive. Lots of comprehension activities.
You can create your own learning pathways and store your resources on the site under Myross Bush. You can also give each student a PIN so that they can complete the work online and teachers can see what knowledge the students have gained and where the next learning steps are.
Amazing number of resources for all curriculum areas.
Just use the same password that we have for the Maths Digistore section.
If anyone's keen, I'd love to spend some time after school one day exploring what else is on the site and build up resources for us to use. :-)