Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Twitter is Twemendous - apologies to Elmer Fudd

Over the past two weeks I have decided to go to the next level. My obsession is now complete - at least it is until the next development in my eLearning journey.

I am now an obsessed Twit (Tweep??) - some would say that this has been going on for a great deal longer than a mere two weeks!

I must confess that I was one of the "Who wants to know the minutiae of my daily life" brigade. What was the point? Leave me to my blog and all the other incredible online learning that is out there. Leave me to absorb the information, challenges and insights from the fantastic blogs that exist in my 'other' world.

It had to happen... someone mentioned Twitter - was I a Twit yet? I was unsure as to my response to this so I replied that, yes, I was one. (Even I know that I'm a tweep - at least I think that's what I am?????) At least I had an account - for at about a year. Ah, but had I done anything with it? Yes, it has my photo on it. The look of disdain and pity does not need to be explained at this stage.

"But have you ever used it for professional development and learning?" Um, no, not really. (Read, no, not all all). Another range of facial expressions - honestly they could be a facial contortionist in a circus! I thought at this stage, to save the wind changing and run the risk of the expressions becoming permanent, that I needed to investigate this further. Well, I pride myself on being a true Geek and technology-obsessed individual, so I should be up-to-date, right?

I dipped my toes - well fingers - in and logged onto my account, eventually. (Had been so long that a new password was needed to replace the forgotten one!) I read what other people were tweeting, learned many new terms in the process and within half an hour I was away.
My friend suggested that I look at who other people were following - felt a bit 'stalkerish' but I soon got over that as I read the insights, thoughts and twitterings of others.

What has the result of all this Tweet-reading been? I have had my eyes opened to yet another learning platform on the Net. I have learned more exponentially in the past two weeks than in the past five years. I have connected with some pretty amazing minds, had my ideas confirmed or challenged, my eyes opened and have developed an enormous respect for the great brains and committed educators that live in our world. I have even had offers of support and mentoring from education professionals both in NZ and overseas - how amazing is that - and gratefully appreciated. A very humbling experience.

Long may they keep Tweeting and working with "Twits" like me to improve our knowledge and passion for what we do to continue to change the face of learning for all.

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